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Ukrainian community in the State of Qatar
01 November 2020 10:19

According to the latest official data of the Qatari side, about 1,500 citizens of Ukraine reside in the State of Qatar.

However, according to the Embassy's estimations, the number of our compatriots living in Qatar or temporarily staying in the country is larger and can reach more than 2000 people and has a steady tendency to increase annually. Most Ukrainians come to Qatar for employment, as well as accompanying their family members in Qatar.

With the launch of direct daily flights between Doha and Kyiv on August 28, 2017, as well as the entry into force on November 2, 2018. intergovernmental agreement between Ukraine and Qatar on mutual abolition of visa requirements, significantly increased the number of Ukrainian citizens visiting Qatar for tourism, including using Doha as a transit hub end route to other countries in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

After launching of the direct air connection between Doha and Kyiv in August 2017 and entering into force of the visa-free regime between Ukraine and Qatar in November 2018 the State of Qatar became on of the popular destinations for Ukrainian tourists and those, who visit Qatar as a transit hub. It has also promoted significantly the people-to-people ties between two nations. 

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